Why Knowledge Base? Not a Forum? or Something?

Knowledge base beats all other solutions on this field and here's why:

When you use a knowledge base to share information and knowledge, the stored data is easily accessible, easily searchable and it can be easily updated whenever is needed. Every single user has the chance of solving their problems without additional help from AtomMiner and share their knowledge and experience with other users.

Why Contribute?

  • You want to create/update an article/resources entry
  • You want to create/update a resource with more relevant information
  • You have found a bug or typo and you want to fix it

Whatever the reason is - Thank you!

Where is the content stored

All resources published in this knowledge base are compiled from Markdown (*.md) documents. We encourage our contributors to not use Markdown extensions if possible.

Markdown formatting syntax is described in details in RFC7763 - The text/markdown Media Type

Repository format:

  • KB Articles - /articles
  • Resources - /resources

How to contribute

  1. Fork our KB repository
  2. Create/update a new article/resource entry
  3. Create a pull request